ZAROH Architects

Polyfunkčný bytový dom Olbrachtova

The building is located on the corner of Olbrachtová Street and have two underground floors with parking, one non-residential ground floor with three businesses and the main entrance to the building, and four residential floors. +/- 0.000 (floor 1NP) is at an elevation of 212.75 m.a.s.l. The main entrance to the building and non-residential premises is from Olbrachtová street. Parking for the building is placed in 1th and 2th basement floors with 46 parking spaces. On the 1st floor, 4 non-residential spaces are designed, which are created for shops and services. There are apartments on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th floors. There are terraced apartments on the 5th floor.

    • Ing. arch. Marcel Zachar
  • LOCALITY: Trenčín
  • LEVEL: 
    • Projekt pre stavebné povolenie
  • YEAR: Rok 2023
  • PHOTOGRAPHER: Ing.arch. Zachar